
Advanced Email Security Solutions That Give You Control

Email security is a constant concern for many businesses. With so many major security breaches littering the headlines, you need to ensure you’re protected against any threat. Targeted attacks like spear-phishing take email threats to a whole new level, requiring advanced layers of protection. And even routine threats like spam and phishing require broad security to protect your organisation. OfficeTechHub can help safeguard your business from the devastating effects of phishing emails and more with our range of cloud-based email security solutions. Providing real time email security without extra expense or the need to deploy additional software.


Email Security Solutions Designed for You

We offer a huge suite of email encryption and security solutions designed to maximise your email security. With solutions designed to enhance email security, prevent sensitive information being leaked, and encrypt business emails for added protection.

Because we’re all about giving you control, everything we do is based on your needs. We learn about what’s important to you and shape email security software to fit into your business and provide total cyber security and a secure email gateway. Giving you the tools to increase your threat protection and data loss prevention.

Why Choose OfficeTechHub?

Enhanced Emailing

OfficeTechHub’s secure email solutions are designed to deliver real time email security to protect against a wide variety of threats.

No Software Issues

Our complete, secure email solutions have anti-virus and anti-spam as well as five Office licences per user. Plus, because all data, software and desktops are located within the OfficeTechHub platform, you can rest assured that everyone will always be using the same version.

We’re always here when you need us

Problems are inevitable, but there’s always a solution. Our support technicians are at hand all day, every day to offer their expertise.

About OfficeTechHub’s Email Security Solutions


Easy and Secure Access

Your team has easy and secure access wherever they are with Multi-Factor Authentication. And even if there isn’t a good internet connection, they can still access Email and Office via a 4G network on their mobile, tablet or laptop.


Multi-Factor Authentication

Access data and Email with one single sign in and authentication via the Microsoft App on any device. This protects users’ log in from unauthorised access and brute force attacks.


Secure Encryption

OME allows emails and documents to be encoded with various levels of encryption – so only authorised users both internally and externally have access.


Email Protection

Emails are protected with anti-virus, anti-spam, malware and hyper-link defence, and licences are managed and built in with desktop copies of Microsoft Office.

Edge Equipment Hire Increasing data storage for Edge Equipment Hire

Edge Equipment Hire’s physical server was struggling to keep up with demand as the business grew, causing problems for the team. They needed a solution that massively increased capacity and futureproofed the business.

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